Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Another quick update

Okay, not much going on, but figure should post since people are asking.

Christmas was WONDERFUL! Got all sorts of neat gifts like great books, a Cornish Rugby shirt and great history related T-shirts. It was really nice to relax in Cornwall. Philip my friend was really nice showing me around. Wonderful weather and good food, including the famous Cornish Pastie.

Then on Christmas day after presents had a massive fry up, and then went to the beach 7 miles away for sparkling wine and snacks. Fun thing to do on Xmas. Anyway to kill the rest of the day me and Philip TRIED to watch "Gone with the Wind", but were rather but off by Scarlett being nasty and the HUGE amount of racist stuff. Just not a good movie for good pro Federal Union men!
We did last 2 and a half hours though.

After that we had a LOVELY Turkey dinner with ALL the trimmings. Oh it was so good! Was like an American Thanksgiving meal, but with English extras and taste, including the wonderful breadsauce! So we got the crackers out and pulled them. Our gifts and paper crowns fell out and we went eating again.

Very great holiday season. Although it was at Philips parents house, it felt as close to home as I could get. They were really top notch hosts, Philip too.
So after Cornwall we went up to Wales for a hiking trip based at a scout hut, which was like a hostel. Course upon getting there we found the water was off seeing as the freeze was quite bad and shut the pipes off. After 2 days or so it was back on. The showers didn't work.... soooo I was stinky too.
Course the hiking was great, food was well prepared, booze was plenty, games were fun and of course the crowd was a great one!
Great 6 or so days.

Now I'm in Oxford relaxing. Trying to see as much as I can here and hopefully seeing more UK friends. See what the weekend brings. Going to Egypt on the 11th and that will be the last phase of my trip, phase 4. That'll last 5 weeks, then I'm home to Tennessee.

Shocked that the past 14 weeks have flown by. And how the summer season at Fort Bridger has flown by too now that I think on it.... Wow... Great times.

Well, off for now with my next post from EGYPT! Blog will be more busy then I hope!

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